Many skincare products for making skin lighter claim to target one or a few aspects of skin discoloration / pigmentation, but the truth is there is always a limit to what it can do and also its effectiveness is always in question.
Many products only provide for temporary measures and could make matters worst and by the law of cosmetology or law of nature, it is always difficult to make your skin lighter with just a single product." Many products only provide for temporary measures and could make matters worst and by the law of cosmetology or law of nature, it is always difficult to make your skin lighter with just a single product. "For an example, if the factor of melanin (which causes people to have dull skin and hyperpigmentation) formation is eliminated, other factors will trigger to work harder as to push more melanin due to our own bodies’ natural defense mechanism as the melanin synthesis process has a natural auto back-up function. Once the signals for melanin formation is cut off, some other signals may still get through but the real trick is, we can always interfere the signals with the right products and this new Neutrogena Fine Fairness Cream Range has the ability to do so. Taking the vitamin C as a good example. Even though the melanin formation is still in continuation, the addition of vitamin C can hinder its transfer by promoting the exfoliation process of cells that comprises melanin, much like the diversion strategy.
To reiterate, for the longer skin lightening effects, you really need a series of skin lightening products as

Did You Know? According to the US FDA, excessive use of some cosmetics especially those with lanolin, preservatives and fragrances can cause allergies and other skin problem.